Lt Gen (Dr) R S PanwarJan 1, 2018Concepts and Doctrines, Network Centric Warfare
NETWORK CENTRIC WARFARE VIS-A-VIS MODERN WARFIGHTING CONCEPTS Sections Introduction NCW vis-vis Lind’s “Generations of Warfare” Taxonomy NCW vis-a-vis RMAs NCW vis-a-vis Asymmetric and Hybrid Wars NCW vis-a-vis Warfighting Domains NCW vis-a-vis...
Lt Gen (Dr) R S PanwarOct 6, 2017Concepts and Doctrines, Information Operations, Network Centric Warfare
21st CENTURY WARFARE: FROM "BATTLEFIELD" TO "BATTLESPACE" Sections Introduction Warfighting Domains – Five Dimensional Construct Cebrowski’s Domains of Conflict The 21st Century Battlespace – A Brief Analysis References Introduction Two earlier posts have...
Lt Gen (Dr) R S PanwarSep 29, 2017AI in Military Operations, Disruptive Technologies
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MILITARY OPERATIONS: AN OVERVIEW - PART II Sections Introduction AI in Military Operations – International Perspective AI in Military Operations – Indian Perspective Conclusion References Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI)...
Lt Gen (Dr) R S PanwarSep 26, 2017Concepts and Doctrines, Information Operations
INFORMATION OPERATIONS: ORIGINS AND FUNDAMENTALS - PART II Sections Introduction Taxonomy of IW Forms Information Infrastructures and Environments Information Superiority Importance of Definitions IW vis-a-vis IO IW vis-a-vis NCW The Indian Security Scenario –...
Lt Gen (Dr) R S PanwarSep 22, 2017Concepts and Doctrines, Network Centric Warfare
NETWORK CENTRIC WARFARE: UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPT Sections Introduction The Power of NCW Self-Synchronization “Power to the Edge” and “Agility” Effects Based Operations (EBO) and NCW The Entry Fee: High Quality Infostructure Conceptual...